Loudoun Communications installed a new 4.9 Ghz link last week at the Newton County Mansfield site. This OpenSky® system backhaul upgrade will provide increased reliability in the system connection to the site. Quite a view from the top! A fully interoperable digital radio communication network for public safety, utility, industrial and transit organizations, OpenSky® is a comprehensive
Read moreLoudoun is awarded Harris Elite NSP Dealer Status
Loudoun attended the Harris Southeastern Dealer Meeting on Nov. 11-12 in Nashville, TN. During the meeting, Loudoun was awarded Harris Elite NSP Dealer Status for accomplishments in Sales and Customer Service. Pictured: Geno Viviano, Harris Corporation, Director – Indirect Sales; Matt Poorman, Loudoun System Engineer; Lynne Poorman, Loudoun, Sales Manager; Ed Poorman, Loudoun General...
Read moreWilkes County, NC, gets added site monitoring capability!
Loudoun added station alarm interfaces to 8 MastrIII base stations that are part of the Wilkes County, NC, Harris Maestro IP console system and VIDA Network. The alarm interfaces were connected to a Harris NetSentry that is in place to report site alarms on the system. Loudoun checks this system remotely on a daily basis
Read moreJackson EMC gets additional channel capacity for their OpenSky System
Loudoun Communications installed additional channel capacity at four Jackson EMC Harris OpenSky sites this week. This added capacity will be beneficial to the users, since the transition from the legacy EDACS system to the SR10 OpenSky system is complete. OpenSky® is a fully interoperable digital radio communication network for public safety, utility, industrial and transit organizations.
Read moreLoudoun adds to the OpenSky system at Newton County
Newton County’s Harris OpenSky Public Safety communications system gets two new 4.9 Ghz links this week. Loudoun has just upgraded two more of the existing 2.4 GHz backhaul links to licensed 4.9 GHz in Newton County GA. The use of the licensed backhaul links improves the site link reliability over the previous unlicensed links. The 2.4
Read moreLoudoun attends the ACCG Annual Conference in Savannah
Loudoun Communications attended the ACCG Annual Conference in Savannah, GA, last week. The ACCG is the largest gathering of county officials in the state. The conference hosted over 1,200 attendees comprising of county officials and county staff from all 159 of Georgia’s counties along with representation from 180 companies and organizations. Ed and Lynne worked the
Read moreNew Remote SCADA Site in Pooler, GA
Loudoun Communications is currently adding a new remote SCADA site for the wastewater system in Pooler, GA We utilize GEMDS NetIO series radios operating in the 900Mhz spread spectrum band. These radios allow us to control and monitor devices at the pump site from the wastewater plant utilizing MODBUS protocol with a National Instruments Lookout
Read moreLoudoun Communications attends the IWCE in Las Vegas
Since 1977, the International Wireless Communications Expo (IWCE) has been the primary annual event for communications technology professionals. IWCE features over 350 exhibitors showcasing the latest products and trends in the industry. Loudoun Communications sent four representatives to the conference this year: Ed Poorman, Lynne Poorman, Andrew Poorman and Matt Poorman. Over 7,000...
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